Sp.Ed. Communications 2

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If you were to give yourself and others, during your meetings, a grade in Effective Group Communication, what grades would you give the members of your team? What grade would you give yourself? What behaviors and objectives did you use as a basis? These are just a few important questions you should ask yourself after every special education meeting.

School systems do a great job training teachers in on-the-job skills, but have a tendency to completely overlook interpersonal skills training. There is no other single investment you can make which will give you the kind of Return on Investment youll receive from training your team in the art and science of Effective Group Communication.

The way people communicate dramatically affects team morale, teamwork and productivity. Imagine the impact your school will experience from improving their communication skills, how would it look?

Participation and complete engagement from all team members,
Meetings conducted more efficiently (saving members essential time during the day),
Plans are implemented immediately with complete effectiveness and
Complete understanding of what next steps need to take place and why.

Effective Group Communication is an art. The art aspect of Effective Group Communication is learning how to get along with others while building strong working relationships, how to listen actively and how to inform others of their ideas constructively, how to collaborate and build consensus, how to address differences of opinion, without hesitation and preserving the relationships in the process.

Effective Group Communication is also a science. The science of Effective Group Communication involves understanding the principles of active listening, using tools for collaboration and consensus, using tools to ensure equal participation among members and ensuring respect for open communication.

Effective communicators have mastered both the science and the art of interpersonal communication, applying the principles of emotional intelligence to each situation they encounter.

In our communication workshop, we teach the art and the science of Effective Group Communication. During the workshop, participants get to know themselves, how they act (or react) in various situations, and where they are effective or ineffective as communicators. We coach participants on becoming more effective communicators.

Our workshops are fun, entertaining, practical, challenging and highly effective in bringing about a change in behavior. If you want to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of your special education meetings, all you have to do is contact us to learn more about our communication workshops. Dont wait. Schedule a 2-Day Effective Group Communication workshop for your team today!

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